University of California San Francisco

Fall 2013

Cover of UCSF Magazine: left corner reads “UCSF Magazine, Fall 2013”. Illustration of circular data points with people representing data. Text next to photo reads: “The Promise of Emerges: Harnessing data to personalize care”. Text below photo reads: “Precision Medicine Special Issue”

Explore how UCSF experts are tapping the astonishing potential precision medicine, how UCSF is educating students to conquer the precision medicine frontier, and how some of the world’s foremost thought leaders are helping to make precision medicine a reality.

About this Issue:

Vol. 2, No. 2
Editorial Team

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It’s All About Networking

Precision Medicine Pillar No. 1: Knowledge Network. With an increased ability to harvest information automatically and more powerfully, scientists can find the connections among discoveries that would otherwise go unrecognized.

Illustration of intertwining circles with silhouettes of a diverse groups of people along the circles.

Digging Deeper Into Cancer

Precision Medicine Pillar No. 2: Basic Discovery. The long path to developing potent new treatments often starts with an observation in the lab that then leads to a question about a fundamental life process.

Illustration of silhouettes of a diverse groups of people.

Big Data, Tailored Care

Precision Medicine Pillar No. 3: Clinical Discovery. Researchers are taking vast amounts of patient data, often collected through first-ever clinical studies, and putting it into tools like MS Bioscreen that have a direct impact on patient care.

Illustration of intertwining circles with silhouettes of a diverse groups of people along the circles; one person is highlighted in orange.

The Fabric of Disease

Precision Medicine Pillar No. 4: Computational Health Sciences. Computationally intensive approaches are used to analyze and cross-analyze large but discrete collections of data, such as patient health histories and genetic makeup.

Illustration of silhouettes of a diverse groups of people in a line.

The Gene Machine

Precision Medicine Pillar No. 5: Omics Medicine. Molecular biologist Nevan Krogan's work is not only illuminating how genes and proteins function, it's also shedding light on the underlying biology of disease for each person.

Illustration of intertwining circles with silhouettes of a diverse groups of people along the circles with a constellation of connected dots in the middle.

A Digital Path to Health

Precision Medicine Pillar No. 6: Digital Health. The Center for Digital Health Innovation shepherds the development of digital health innovations created at UCSF and validates the effectiveness of devices from both inside and outside the institution.

Illustration of intertwining circles with silhouettes of a diverse groups of people on one circle.

Brave New World

UCSF is one of the first pharmacy schools in the nation to offer its students genetic testing for drug response. It’s just one way they're learning about the potential of precision medicine.

Illustration of the silhouette of a woman in a lab coat looking up at a world map with data points.

Insights & Voices

  • Twisting Fate

    Pamela Munster, MD, is program leader of Developmental Therapeutics at UCSF’s Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. She shares a breast cancer story here – her own.

    Portrait of Pamela Munster.
  • A Primer on Concussions

    Carlin Senter, MD, leader of UCSF’s concussion program, answers some frequently asked questions about this common brain injury.

    A hand holds up a football helmet in front of a blue sky with clouds.