
About UCSF Magazine

UCSF Magazine aims to inform, inspire, and engage alumni and donors of the University of California, San Francisco through accessible, authentic storytelling about the biomedical sciences and human health. The magazine is produced twice a year by the UCSF Office of University Development and Alumni Relations.

To view all issues, please visit our archives.

Contact Us

If you want to update your contact information, share feedback, or submit a story idea, please get in touch with us.


UCSF Magazine
University Development & Alumni Relations
UCSF Box 0248
2001 The Embarcadero, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94143

Editorial Team

  • Editor: Anne Kavanagh

  • Senior Creative Director: Audrey Feely

  • Visual Art Director and Digital Strategy: Stephanie Koch

  • Senior Design Adviser: Nada Hansen

  • Cover Design Consultant: Pentagram

  • Video Production: Walter Zarnowitz

  • Copy Editors: Dana Cook Grossman, Mark Goldstein

  • Printing: Lane Press

  • Assistant Vice Chancellor, External Relations: Jane Feledy

  • Executive Director, Advancement Communications: Cyril Manning