Wei Gordon was among nine finalists in the sixth annual UCSF Grad Slam, held March 31 – after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic – competing to inform and entertain with three-minute talks based on their own research.
UCSF issued its first annual report on progress made in implementing the community benefits outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) established by UCSF and the City and County of San Francisco as the University revitalizes its historic Parnassus Heights campus.
In a study, UCSF neurologist William Seeley, MD, and colleagues identified two key moments in the natural history of Alzheimer’s, pointing to a window of opportunity for treatment with amyloid-lowering drugs.
Brain tumor patients survived longer when treated aggressively with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Now, a UCSF study underscores the critical role of genomic profiling in diagnosing and grading brain tumors.
Vice President Kamala Harris visited UCSF April 21 to help draw attention to the critical need for addressing disparities nationwide in health care for Black people during pregnancy.