UCSF Scientists Present at Synthetic Biology 3.0 Conference
University of California San Francisco
Upper trunk fat –– deposits of fat on the chest and back –– is associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance, a condition that is a precursor of type 2 diabetes, according to a study led by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center (SFVAMC).
UC will offer a revised online sexual harassment prevention training program to all supervisory employees the week of September 10.
For a report on a National Cancer Institute study showing a significant drop in breast cancer rates in women who had stopped postmenopausal hormone therapy, KGO-TV interviews Karla Kerlikowske, MD, lead author of the study.
Stanton Glantz, a widely respected scientist and advocate of tobacco control, is the first recipient of the American Legacy Foundation Distinguished Professorship in Tobacco Control at UCSF.
Despite years of effort in reaching out to their local communities, the role pharmacists play as health care providers still remains unclear to the people who need them the most – elderly Americans with multiple medications for chronic diseases.
Scientists have discovered that torrents of microscopic waves propel white blood cells toward invading microbes. The discovery – recorded on videotape -- holds the potential for better understanding and treatment of cancer and heart disease.
Decreased use of postmenopausal hormone therapy since 2002 –– rather than a decrease in detection and diagnosis due to less screening –– has contributed to a decline in the recorded incidence of breast cancer in the United States ...
An opening reception for longtime San Francisco artist Betty Guy is slated for September 10 at the UCSF Faculty/Alumni House on the Parnassus campus.
A memorial service to celebrate the life of a former UCSF employee Robert Leffler is being planned for August 25 in San Francisco.
Scientists have discovered that torrents of microscopic waves propel white blood cells toward invading microbes. The discovery – recorded on videotape -- holds the potential for better understanding and treatment of cancer and heart disease.
The campus community is invited to enjoy the eclectic sounds of Kapakahi at three UCSF locations this week.
Envisioning life at the molecular level is a complex business...
Children and adults of all ages and running levels are invited to join the annual "Banana Chase" run at Kezar Stadium in Golden Gate Park on Sunday, September 16. The event supports pediatric AIDS research and treatment at UCSF Children's Hospital.
A miniature horse named Thumbelina received a rock star's welcome at UCSF Children's Hospital on Tuesday.
Former National Football League players will be screened for heart disease at the UCSF Medical Center. The event is in conjunction with a national program by the Living Heart Foundation to call attention to heart disease in general and the specific cardiovascular challenges of athletes.
Patients now have a number of choices for treating blockages in the heart arteries.
The recent trend of rapidly adopting interventions to improve quality and safety in healthcare has not been followed by a trend to produce evidence of results, according to a UCSF researcher on patient outcomes.
A relationship established during the bleakest days of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in San Francisco has developed into a landmark affiliation agreement signed between the AIDS Research Institute at UCSF and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (China CDC's) National Center for AIDS Prevention and Control (NCAIDS).
When 23-year-old Mendocino college student Jeremy Decker went to his Ukiah-area doctor with a severely damaged knee after playing basketball, he was quickly referred to UCSF.